Lowongan Kerja PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia

PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia

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Tipe Pekerjaan:Full Time
Pengalaman:9 - 12 Tahun

Lowongan Kerja BUMN – PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia (PT BAI), anak perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) – disebut INALUM – dan PT ANTAM Tbk – disebut ANTAM – didirikan dan beroperasi berdasarkan hukum Republik Indonesia, akan mengembangkan, membangun, memiliki, mengoperasikan dan mengelola Smelter Grade Alumina Refinery (Proyek SGAR) dengan kapasitas produksi 1 Juta Alumina per tahun (Expandable) di Kabupaten Mempawah, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia, untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah nasional sebesar pemurnian bijih Bauksit menjadi produk Alumina.

Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) merupakan asset yang sangat berharga atau sebuah investasi besar yang akan menjadi faktor utama yang menentukan suatu keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan/instansi. Pengelolaan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) yang tepat bagi sebuah perusahaan/instansi akan menjadi faktor utama dan membawa kesuksesan yang maksimal. Kreatifitas dan dedikasi para ahli dibidangnya adalah kunci keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan/instansi. Apresiasi yang tinggi atas kontribusi para karyawan menumbuhkan lingkungan kerja yang produktif, inovatif, kreatif dan dinamis.

Maka dari itu PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia kembali membuka rekrutmen lowongan kerja terbaru untuk sejumlah posisi yang dibutuhkan. Calon kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi, memiliki semangat dan dedikasi yang tinggi serta keinginan untuk berkembang meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengalamannya. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi lowongan yang tersedia pada saat ini.

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia



1. IR (Industrial Relations) Manager

Responsibilities :

  • Build constructive relationships between all stakeholders both internally (Unions) and externally (government bodies, other industry bodies and external parties).
  • Monitor internal and external labour relations trends and submit relevant reports to Management.
  • Facilitate the implementation of regular meetings between management and labour.
  • Coordinates the implementation of employee programs and employee relations.
  • Communicates, distributes and implement changes to all employees
  • Enhance management and labour knowledge on IR related issues.
  • Review and revise Company Regulations/Peraturan Perusahaan (PP), Collective Labour Agreement (CLA), wage review and labour related policies and procedures.
  • Dispute Settlement (reviews investigation report from internal team and identifies the breach/violation of related policies or procedures and provides recommended disciplinary action based on IR guidelines and practices).
  • Conduct company retrenchment consultation and implementation in compliance with the law.

Requirement :

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Law, Management, Psychology, or a related field.
  • Minimum 10 years of experience in Industrial Relations.
  • Having a PERADI (Indonesian Advocates Association) is preferred
  • In-depth knowledge of labor regulations and employment law applicable in Indonesia.
  • Proficiency in English (both written and spoken) is preferred.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with strong negotiation abilities.
  • Experience in handling labor conflicts and effectively resolving disputes.
  • Ability to work independently as well as within a team.
  • Strong analytical skills and the ability to handle various issues with a thoughtful approach. Good managerial skills with the ability to lead a team in industrial relations projects.
  • Knowledge and experience in managing collective labor agreements (CBA).
  • Certification in industrial relations or labor law is a plus.
  • Work Location: MEMPAWAH
2. Procurement Manager

Responsibilities :

  • Plan and manage procurement strategies for goods and services to meet operational and project needs.
  • Develop and implement effective procurement policies in compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Manage relationships with vendors and suppliers to ensure high-quality products and services at competitive prices.
  • Conduct regular evaluations of supplier and vendor performance and provide recommendations for improving efficiency and effectiveness in procurement processes.
  • Oversee and lead the procurement team in planning, contract negotiation, supplier selection, and evaluation.
  • Prepare procurement reports and budgets for management and ensure transparency throughout the procurement process.
  • Ensure all procurement activities comply with legal regulations and company policies.
  • Analyze and plan long-term procurement needs to support the company’s operational continuity.
  • Address procurement-related issues and provide timely and effective solutions.

Requirement :

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Management, Engineering, Economics, or a related field.
  • A minimum of 12 years of experience in procurement, with managerial experience in a similar role.
  • Specialist contract management.
  • In-depth knowledge and experience in procurement processes, contract negotiation, and budget management.
  • Strong skills in planning, managing, and optimizing procurement budgets.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.
  • Strong analytical skills and the ability to make data-driven decisions.
  • Effective leadership and the ability to work collaboratively within a team.
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
  • Familiarity with procurement management software SAP or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems is a plus.
  • Certification in procurement or supply chain management (e.g., CPIM, CPSM, CCMS) is an advantage.
  • Work Location: MEMPAWAH


3. GCG (Good Corporate Governance) Assistant Manager

Responsibilities :

  • Ensure the implementation of GCG policies and procedures at all levels of the organization, in compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Prepare and present regular reports on the status of GCG implementation to senior management.
  • Identify areas that require improvement in GCG practices and provide recommendations and strategic solutions.
  • Coordinate internal and external audits related to GCG to ensure compliance and operational efficiency.
  • Support the design and implementation of training and workshops aimed at increasing employee understanding and awareness of GCG.
  • Collaborate with various departments in analyzing and mitigating risks related to GCG policies.
  • Assist in developing and revising GCG policies that align with industry standards and evolving regulations.
  • Foster effective relationships with regulators, stakeholders, and external parties to ensure the company’s compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Manage GCG-related documents and records in an organized and structured manner to facilitate oversight and audits.
  • Provide recommendations for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of GCG-related policies and procedures across the organization.

Requirement :

  • A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Law, Management, or a related field.
  • At least 9 years of work experience in a similar role or related position, with specific experience in Good Corporate Governance implementation.
  • In-depth understanding of GCG regulations, capital market regulations, and principles of good corporate governance.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to interact with various management levels and stakeholders.
  • Able to work independently and in a team, highly proactive, and able to meet tight deadlines.
  • High integrity and the ability to handle sensitive information with confidentiality and professionalism.
  • Preferred: Possession of certifications related to Good Corporate Governance or relevant fields, and participation in related training.
  • Willing to continuously develop and stay updated on the latest trends and regulations in GCG.
  • Work Location: MEMPAWAH


Baca : Info Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Terbaru, Baca Selengkapnya


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  • Link: https://cakerja.com/880
Perhatian: Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.
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