Lowongan Kerja PT Oil States International

PT Oil States Indonesia

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Pengalaman:5 Tahun

Lowongan Kerja – Oil States Industries, anak perusahaan Oil States International, PT Oil States Indonesia adalah penyedia global produk dan layanan manufaktur yang berfokus pada teknologi yang digunakan dalam sektor pengeboran, penyelesaian, bawah laut, produksi, dan infrastruktur industri minyak dan gas alam, serta di sektor industri dan militer.

Produk manufaktur PT Oil States Indonesia meliputi peralatan modal yang direkayasa secara tinggi serta produk yang digunakan dalam pengeboran, konstruksi sumur, dan produksi minyak dan gas alam. Sejak berdiri pada tahun 1942 sebagai produsen regional produk elastomer untuk pasar industri dan minyak domestik di Amerika Serikat, Oil States Industries telah menorehkan jalur inovasi dan kesuksesan. Beberapa pencapaian penting termasuk pengembangan riser catenary baja (SCR) pertama di dunia untuk sistem produksi terapung (FPS) di Brasil, metode modern untuk pemasangan dan perataan platform tetap, serta pengembangan sistem penambatan dan derek lepas pantai.

Baca: Info Lowongan Kerja untuk Lulusan Baru

Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) merupakan asset yang sangat berharga atau sebuah investasi besar yang akan menjadi faktor utama yang menentukan suatu keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan/instansi. Pengelolaan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) yang tepat bagi sebuah perusahaan/instansi akan menjadi faktor utama dan membawa kesuksesan yang maksimal. Kreatifitas dan dedikasi para ahli dibidangnya adalah kunci keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan/instansi. Apresiasi yang tinggi atas kontribusi para karyawan menumbuhkan lingkungan kerja yang produktif, inovatif, kreatif dan dinamis.

Maka dari itu PT Oil States Indonesia kembali membuka rekrutmen lowongan kerja terbaru untuk sejumlah posisi yang dibutuhkan. Calon kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi, memiliki semangat dan dedikasi yang tinggi serta keinginan untuk berkembang meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengalamannya. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi lowongan yang tersedia pada saat ini.

Lowongan Kerja PT Oil States Indonesia



1. Project Engineer

Responsibilities :

  • Acknowledge sales handover of jobs. Study quotation / sales order, purchase order, specifications and understand project requirements.
  • Prepare and update project schedule in MS-Project or MS-Excel.
  • Conduct Project Kick-off meetings and run through Project Management checklist. Review lessons learnt log at the start of each project.
  • Raise Engineering requests, WPS request, as required, to initiate Engineering work related to the project. Create Glovia Part Numbers, Work Orders.
  • Prepare route sheets, project Bill of Materials, shop pack. Issue marking instructions and weld map. Initiate risk and opportunities register and contingency plan for projects. Update critical goods register as PO is released to supplier.
  • Source competitively priced raw materials, subcomponents, spare parts, services that meet the required specifications and delivery requirements. Create purchase requisition in GLOVIA.
  • Participate in cost saving and efficiency improvement initiatives.
  • Drive projects to timely completion. Monitor and review the job processing with Production, Quality departments and vendors to ensure work scope, costs, quality and delivery requirements are met with and customer, third party intervention points are adhered to.
  • Ensure all project documents as listed in MasterControl audit requirements are available in Master Control, in a timely manner. This includes customer specifications, technical information, operating and maintenance manual, route sheets, BOM, project schedules, email correspondences, minutes of meeting.

Qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma with Engineering Specialization
  • Minimum 5 years of experience working in a Manufacturing environment and be familiar with manufacturing processes such as Machining, Welding and Assembly & Testing.
  • Experience in connector products and familiar with fabrication of casing and conductor joints would be advantage.
  • Competent in Microsoft Applications – Excel, Word, MS-Project, ERP software.
  • Speak and Read English fluently.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, able to work as part of team.
  • Adaptive to changes and has the ability to prioritise multiple projects.
  • Placement in Batam, Indonesia.


2. HSE Engineer

Responsibilities :

  • Act as facility’s WSH Officer or Occupational Health and Safety Expert to fulfil the roles stipulated in applicable regulations.
  • Maintain the HSE Management System procedures complying with ISO 14000 and ISO 45001 requirements and ensure that they are functioning effectively.
  • Review and update the HSE Manual, Plans, Procedures, Work Instructions, HIRA and Forms / Reports.
  • Follow the instructions and laise with QHSE Manager for overall performance and effectiveness
  • Ensure compliances with applicable regulations such as UU No. 1 Tahun 1970, etc. and be responsible for ensuring legal compliances with regulatory requirements.
  • Lead HSE programs including safety promotions, trainings, health talks and employee’s medical examinations, etc.
  • Effectively implement the company HSE polices and values and provide direction and support to the company’s managers and supervisors for HSE operations.
  • Perform weekly hazard hunt inspections with supervisors at workshop.
  • Assist operations team to identify, assess and mitigate all foreseeable risks arising at workshop.
  • Report weekly and monthly statistics for HSE reporting and maintains status.
  • Develop internal audits plan, perform audits and close out audit findings.
  • Conduct monthly HSE committee meetings and committee inspections.
  • Participate in toolbox talks and update the logs.
  • Develop HSE training plan, schedule and rollout trainings to all employees.

Qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma (preferably with Engineering Specialization)
  • Minimum 5 years experiences in a HSE roles.
  • Obtain Indonesia HSE certificate (AK3 Umum), ISO 14001 & ISO 45001 certificate as an internal auditor/lead auditor
  • Good knowledge of Indonesia laws, regulations, legal, codes
  • Have experience in writing HSE Management System procedures
  • Speak and Read English fluently.
  • Computer, good interpersonal, team player and presentation skills
  • Placement in Batam, Indonesia.



Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, Silahkan kirim CV terbaru dalam format .pdf ke email :

Subject : ProjectEngineer_Batam/HSEEngineer_Batam


  • Proses apply rekrutmen ini dilakukan melalui email.
  • Proses rekrutmen dilakukan tanpa biaya (GRATIS!!!).
  • Harap hati-hati penipuan yang mengatasnamakan PT Oil States Indonesia, dan Cakerja.
  • Join Group Telegram untuk Update Loker Setiap Harinya di  T.ME/CAKERJA 

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  • Link: https://cakerja.com/14966
Perhatian: Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.
Kategori Lowongan:
D3 D4 S1