Lowongan Kerja PT Sinarmas Agribusiness and Food (SMART) Tbk

PT Sinarmas Agribusiness and Food (SMART) Tbk

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Tipe Pekerjaan:Full Time
Pengalaman:1 - 5 Tahun

Lowongan Kerja – PT Sinarmas Agribusiness and Food Tbk (SMART) adalah salah satu perusahaan publik produk konsumen berbasis kelapa sawit yang terintegrasi dan terkemuka di Indonesia yang berkomitmen pada produksi minyak sawit yang berkelanjutan. Perkebunan kelapa sawit SMART mencakup 137,000 hektar (termasuk plasma). Aktivitas utama kami adalah penanaman dan pemanenan pohon kelapa sawit, pengolahan tandan buah segar (TBS) menjadi minyak sawit (CPO) dan inti sawit, dan pemrosesan CPO menjadi produk bernilai tambah seperti minyak goreng, margarin, shortening, biodiesel dan oleokimia, serta perdagangan produk berbasis kelapa sawit ke seluruh dunia. SMART juga mengoperasikan 16 pabrik kelapa sawit, 4 pabrik pengolahan inti sawit dan 4 pabrik rafinasi di Indonesia.

Didirikan tahun 1962, SMART tercatat sahamnya di Bursa Efek Indonesia sejak tahun 1992 dan berkantor pusat di Jakarta. Sebagai anak perusahaan dari Golden Agri-Resources (GAR), SMART juga mengelola kegiatan usaha di sektor oleokimia, dibawah Sinar Mas Oleochemical, SMART Research Institute (SMARTRI), dan SMART Biotechnology Centre sebagai bagian dari kegiatan operasionalnya.

Baca: Info Lowongan Kerja untuk Lulusan Baru

Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) merupakan asset yang sangat berharga atau sebuah investasi besar yang akan menjadi faktor utama yang menentukan suatu keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan/instansi. Pengelolaan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) yang tepat bagi sebuah perusahaan/instansi akan menjadi faktor utama dan membawa kesuksesan yang maksimal. Kreatifitas dan dedikasi para ahli dibidangnya adalah kunci keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan/instansi. Apresiasi yang tinggi atas kontribusi para karyawan menumbuhkan lingkungan kerja yang produktif, inovatif, kreatif dan dinamis.

Maka dari itu PT Sinarmas Agribusiness and Food (SMART) Tbk kembali membuka rekrutmen lowongan kerja terbaru untuk sejumlah posisi yang dibutuhkan. Calon kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi, memiliki semangat dan dedikasi yang tinggi serta keinginan untuk berkembang meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengalamannya. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi lowongan yang tersedia pada saat ini.

Lowongan Kerja PT Sinarmas Agribusiness and Food (SMART) Tbk



1. Receivable Analyst

Job Description :

  • Perform the receivables processes including:
    • Cash application management
      • Perform cash application process by collecting bank statements or other data from banks / customers
    • Receiving and applying customer payment to account balances
      • Record and deposit the cash payments from customers to the company’s bank account
    • AR management
      • Perform AR collection forecasting and ageing analysis as well as generate dunning letter (if needed or perform AR write off as requested for long outstanding receivables.
  • Perform AR collection forecasting and ageing analysis
  • Perform works and services with high quality and accuracy
  • Perform receivables function through proper procedures in accordance with corporate company accounting policy
  • Participate in and follow Receivables team goals, work schedules and activities, back up procedures and staffing requirements to ensure coverage at all times
  • Carry out role to the highest possible standard
  • Escalate any receivables issues to Receivables Team Lead when necessary to avoid delays or errors in processing
  • Comply with internal control in the perimeter assigned for contributing to implement action plans
  • Maintains thorough knowledge of receivables matters
  • Service Management and Continuous Improvement:
    • Identify opportunities for continuous process improvement and innovate solutions so the team can operate in an efficient and cost effective manner
    • Maintain good relationship with external and internal stakeholders
  • Audit and Compliance:
    • Ensure current processes, operations, systems, databases and information security are up to date and comply with proper accounting and legal principles/policies/procedures
    • Support auditors and legal authorities with the required information
  • Planning and Controlling:
    • Manage costs within budget expenditure guidelines

Requirements :

  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting with GPA 3.00
  • Minimum 1 year of working experience as accountant, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Skilled in operating Microsoft Office, especially Microsoft Excel and Power Query
  • Must have good attention to detail, numerical proficiency, result oriented and good analytical skills
  • Fast learner
  • Can work in a team, and in any situation (close to deadline must work overtime)
  • Have the agility to learn and responsible
  • Placement in South Jakarta.


2. Tank Yard Officer

Job Description :

  • Responsible for the operation and maintenance of Tankers in the activities of receipt and discharge of goods in the factory, including ensuring calibration Tank by the Metrology Agency is still valid
  • Responsible for all delivery of raw material and ISCC and Non ISCC oil expenditure by ensuring ISCC ID, GHG emision Supplier, Total Certified product
  • Ensure update of oil data on Tank by separating ISCC and Non ISCC stock
  • Responsible for all activities of heating oil in tank farm, whether local or export and for processing at Refinery
  • Monitor and ensure the placement of oils coming out of and entering the tank yard based on laboratory analysis
  • Cooperate with relevant sections on tank availability, stock position, transfer and heating to make oil revenues and expenditures run smoothly
  • Responsible for the implementation of sounding oil tanks in and out of the yard tanks
  • Ensure the operational implementation of oil recoveries, transfers and disbursements is safe and protected from oil loss and contamination
  • In cooperation with the WB and Terminal (loading / Unloading) sections on the daily cut-off of oil revenues and expenditures so that the quantity of oil revenue and expenditure can be traced properly
  • Monitor the implementation of tank cleaning periodically
  • Conduct checks and preventive measures to avoid leaks in tanks and pipelines
  • Conduct steam tracing leak inspection
  • Run Safety Regulation in accordance with applicable policy
  • Responsible for the implementation of subordinate discipline
  • Report if there are any deviations related to Food Safety to the Boss
  • Implementing the implementation of quality management system (ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 22000: 2005, Halal, SMK3, ISCC system, RSPO, SMART D_Safe, OHSAS 18001, HACCP)
  • Responsible in maintaining and maintaining all equipment work (equipment) and environmental cleanliness (environment) tank yard
  • Review, evaluate and submit daily, weekly and monthly reports from foreman to section head
  • Recommend improvements (if any) related to reports from foreman

Requirements :

  • Minimal Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering
  • Having minimal 3 years of working experience in Tank Farm Officer at Refinery Palm Oil
  • Familiar in ISO implementation
  • Willing to be located in Tarjun Refinery (South Kalimantan)
  • Placement in Tarjun, South Kalimantan.


3. Area Sales Supervisor Industrial / Food Service

Job Description :

  • Responsible for achieving the monthly target
  • Customer data master accuracy
  • Active outlet
  • Ensure the selling step walk by FSR
  • Proximity relationship with the customer
  • Monitor service level GT and LMT

Requirements :

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, any field
  • At least 2 year(s) of working experience as Sales Supervisor Preferably from Food Service Industry
  • Passionate in bakery
  • Excellent in communication skill
  • Good network in business area
  • Applicant must be willing to work in Manado
  • Placement in Manado, North Sulawesi.


4. SAP FI and CO

Requirements :

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science / Information Technology or equivalent
  • At least 3-5 year(s) of working experience in handling FI and/or CO module
  • Having experience in SAP Implementation Full Cycle is a must
  • Placement in Sinarmas Land Plaza Sudirman, South Jakarta



Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, Silahkan kirim CV terbaru dalam format .pdf ke email :

Subject : Position – Full Name


  • Proses apply rekrutmen ini dilakukan email.
  • Proses rekrutmen dilakukan tanpa biaya (GRATIS!!!).
  • Harap hati-hati penipuan yang mengatasnamakan PT Sinarmas Agribusiness and Food (SMART) Tbk, dan Cakerja.
  • Join Group Telegram untuk Update Loker Setiap Harinya di  T.ME/CAKERJA 

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  • Link: https://cakerja.com/4762
Perhatian: Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.
Kategori Lowongan: